Sunday, April 8, 2012

Total Bliss - #2 in the Personal Development Series of Tips

Orange Sherbet, Oatmeal Almond, Lavender, Applejack, Shenandoah Spice – don’t these sound like terrific flavors? They are! They FEEL good because they’re gourmet soaps – not ice cream – and they’re made from natural ingredients.

No selling in the Ultimate Blog Challenge, but it seems AOK to recommend something I’ve found helpful and most satisfactory. And if pertains to personal growth and development, it fits the posting requirements.

DISCLAIMER: I have no investment in or financial interest in what I’m describing here, but I have to share what I’ve discovered which is theTotal Bliss Soap Company, LLC. It’s also a small business deserving of notice.

I live in Idaho, they make soap on Massanutten Mountain in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. I discovered this product through my sister, who lives at the foot of Massanutten Mountain, and now I have it delivered on a regular basis.

I definitely consider it part of my personal development! And this series of posts is about the PERSONAL YOU, not your team members or co-workers.

You can read all about Total Bliss here:


Heather Waring said...

Love beautiful soap and if I'm ever lucky enough to be in Virginia, I will look for this. In fact every time I visit the States, I seem to bring back some soap. We do have it in the UK too and some great natural makes but buying things like this somewhere new is always fun.

Thanks for sharing this. It's another way that we can pamper and look after ourselves.

Christine Mann said...

Thanks for the comment, Heather. Pampering is GOOD! (They'll ship to you I'm sure).

Teresa Beeman said...

That is a beautiful picture. It looks so peaceful and inviting.

I love the idea of "Total Bliss". We could all use more of that - in any way we can find it.

Handmade soaps are a favorite of mine. The idea of orange sherbet is particularly appealing.

Thanks for sharing the info. I'll look forward to more posts from you.
