Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Part 3 of 4 Are there stages to change?

Part 3 of 4 on Leading/Managing Change - Today's Norm!

Are there stages to consider when managing change? Yes, and effective leaders will understand them for successful outcomes to any change effort. We deal with change in our lives daily on lots of fronts, so the more we can learn, the better we can help ourselves and our team members cope with that constant of change. Change is our NORM, isn't it!

This is from Wm. Bridges, Managing Transitions:  Making the Most of Change (Reading MA, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company): We can begin to understand the transition that accompanies change:
Whereas change refers to external phenomena or events – things that can be tracked on a calendar, the internal experience of change is a transition that has distinct phases, that is highly subjective, that doesn’t necessarily align itself with dates on a calendar.


The initial phase of the transition involves grieving for the loss of things as we have known them – even when the change that is taking place is likely to benefit us personally or professionally.

A kind of limbo between the old and the new, this phase is characterized by a sense of disorientation and the inability to cope – things just don’t click.  This phase is, nevertheless, an important time during which the old and new become integrated and consolidated.


Emerging from the two previous phases, this phase represents a reorientation that involves new understandings, new values, new attitudes, and new identities.

I’ve always thought these stages and the explanation of the transitions we make through change were helpful to understanding my own reactions and to helping my team members.
And I’m one of those people who often just create change to see it happen – I LIKE it! I also know that approach makes some people absolutely crazy, so it’s not fair to impose change without the pre-planning, acknowledgement that others will be affected in different ways and that’s it’s my job as team leader to help everyone not only get through it, but make the change successful.
Tomorrow, we’ll wrap up the change discussion with a look at some tips for successfully facilitating change.


Eleni Poulakou said...

I had this virtual "conversation" just 12 hours ago. I'm with you, Christine -- seasons are changing, every year...

Kathi Laughman said...

It's an interesting topic because there are different stages but also different kinds of change. The stimulus for the change is often the key factor. I see change as growth. I don't think we really have a choice. We're changing whether we realize it or not. Particulary today. It's not just that we aren't growing if we're not constantly expanding, it's that we will lose ground if we don't. It is no longer true that if you keep doing what you've always done- you'll get what you've always gotten. In today's world, if you keep doing what you've always done - you're going to get less and less in return. So change as growth. Reframe it and love it! Great discussion topic. Much needed today!

Armi Niemi said...

Interesting! Looking forward to your tomorrow's post :)

Grace Kelly said...

Very helpful Christine , I recently went through and am still going through big change having left my life behind in London to move to Italy.
I notice I am comfortable with change when I can see how it serves the bigger picture or my objectives , I get stuck when I can't see the benefit!

Look forward to todays post GX

Christine Mann said...

Thank you all for your comments - it seems not one of us is untouched by change. And we see it from different perspectives which makes it even tougher for a leader to cope with - she has to work with whatever is going on with each individual as well the work-initiated change.Thanks so much for commenting on my blog and putting such thought into your remarks.