Thursday, April 12, 2012

Collections from the Ultimate Blog Challenge

In almost two weeks of the Ultimate Blog Challenge, I have collected soooo much information for my personal development - some of it is saved on my desktop, lots of it is printed out, stacked on the desk or filed where I swear I'll find it more readily (!!!). Will I find it again? Of course not.
This post isn't about a lesson in being organized, it's more about using the new stuff I'm learning to my advantage and for my own growth with the system I already use.

It finally occurred to me in the early hours of the morning the other day, that I already have the perfect vehicle for storing my UBC treasures AND using them for my ongoing development - it's something I access nearly daily. I'm referring to my ProStar Coach online development system.

My ProStar Coach Home Page
I use ProStar in coaching my clients, but I also use it for myself. I love it! Why? It's like going to the gym and getting a regular workout, but this one is mental. And it's scientifically understood that we don't do something right just because we've seen it done once - it takes practice and reinforcement - just like the gym workouts.

ProStar Coach is an online system with a built-in structure and MANY resources available in one place so that I can concentrate on developing or improving my own Personal Strengths (behavior patterns that help us with the challenges of daily work and life) and my People Skills (those "solid leadership" best-practices in working with others). This is where I can add all the good stuff I'm pulling off of the blogs, where I can file it in the category of personal development I want to focus on AND I can make a learning activity out it - forcing me to use my new info, to practice and reinforce it.

Here's an example: I downloaded Ten Tips to Deal with Uncertainty from Adalia last week and I've filed it in the personal strength of Self-Confidence inside ProStar - it's there for me to go to and work on anytime I want to access it - I can apply the learning activities built into ProStar as I work to reinforce Adalia's list.

You can click on the ProStar Coach link here and learn more for your own personal and professional development.

More tomorrow...

Strong Relationships + Solid Leadership = Success for Everyone

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