Thursday, April 5, 2012

Part 4 of 4 What can leaders do to help with change?

Part 4 of 4 on Leading/Managing Change - Today's Norm!

"Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are, for what you could become.”
That's what this poster says and it's a beautiful sentiment, just tough to pull off sometimes.
In previous postings, we've explored quite a bit about change, we recognize that it's our norm, so now it's time to consider more specific actions; things that you as a leader, can do to make the steady change you and your team members experience successful.

Facilitating Change for Your Team Members - Suggested Leadership Actions

Create a shared vision and stay focused on it
Set the right example–“Walk the Talk”
Provide information so that those involved understand the “reasons why”
Engage in “positive politics” – understand and support the vision
Support and encourage those involved, recognizing that levels of readiness for change may differ widely
Buffer those involved from disruptive forces
Involve others in developing and implementing a game plan
Stay personally involved but delegate where appropriate
Start where the system is, but be willing to push on the system when it threatens to obstruct progress
Light many fires.  Find numerous ways of reinforcing the message and direction on an ongoing basis
Help people to experience success early on
Celebrate “small wins”
Persist, especially after a setback

TIPS for YOU in Surviving (and perhaps even thriving on) High-Velocity Change

Embrace change as the source of opportunity rather than as a threat:  Go with change rather than against it.
Lighten the psychological load of change.
Be a player, not a spectator (or a victim).
Learn to both pick up your pace and slow it down.
Keep your heart in your work.

Lots of good suggestions, aren't they? Some are certainly harder to do (solid leadership), but extra effort in helping team members cope (building strong relationships) with change is worth it!
Strong Relationships + Solid Leadership = Success for Everyone

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