Saturday, April 7, 2012

Get Rid of the Hidden Clutter - #1 in the Personal Development Series of Tips

What fun! Ideas Just-For-You. They deal with personal development as it relates just to YOU - any team members will benefit in the long run, but this is special - just for you.

I really like Kathy Paauw's work! She helps all of us overwhelmed by the "stuff" we deal with each day. She's got common sense, but often un-thought-of-ways to deal with the junk. Whether we're a team leader or a solo worker, we all need tips in how to handle it all.

Hidden Clutter

"Clutter is anything you own, possess, or do that does not enhance
your life on a regular basis."
--Kathy Paauw

Clutter takes many forms.and often it is camouflaged to the point that you may not even recognize it as clutter. If you think you have a clutter-free life, think again. Here are several places that clutter likes to hide!

Your Schedule: Do you have too many things on your "to do" list? Remember that every time you say "yes" to someone or something, you are saying "no" to someone or something else. Since you cannot possibly do it all, focus on what's most important.

Your "I'll do it later" List: What have you been putting off that is important to you? Some things are worth taking action on immediately, and some things are worth scheduling so they are not done at the last minute when you're under pressure, or not done at all.

Your E-mail Inbox: Do you have an inbox with several thousand email messages in there? If so, this is not a very efficient way to manage your electronic information. Clutter in your Inbox will deplete your energy, and you'll waste time looking for information. Read my article on How to Conquer the Email Pile-up.

Your Thoughts: If you are on mind overload, perhaps it is time to clear your head. I offer a tool to assist you with this. I call it a RAM Dump. Visit for instructions on how to do a RAM Dump and what to do with everything once you've "dumped" your thoughts on paper.

Read the rest of the article here...


Armi Niemi said...

Hi Christine!

Greaat post! And thanks for sharing the link to ram dump. I saved it to my computer.


Christine Mann said...

Armi, I'm so glad this was useful! I've frequently used her sugggestions.