Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Everyperson Profile!

That's what I'm calling the Everything DiSC Workplace Profile! I'm very excited about this product - this is the next generation of DiSC and here's part of why I like it so much:

325% -- that’s the difference in personalization from DiSC Classic 2.0 to the new Everything DiSC Workplace. Not only is Everything DiSC Everyperson (real name: Workplace) more personalized, it’s also more appealing, more intuitive, more dynamic and purely elegant! The content IS dynamic, it's not based on a static graph, but where your position falls within a circle - there are 35 different reports for ED Everyperson (real name: Workplace!) and that's compared to 15 reports for earlier DiSC profiles. The learning is richer, deeper and MORE MEANINGFUL! It's just a more robust reading of yourself than you've had previously. All "D's" are NOT the same!

You'll begin to see immediate applications for interacting with other people - anywhere you interact! There's a greater tendency to move away from labeling ( I've always hated being called a "D" as though it's some kind of illness)! The focus is on relationships - you're getting far more learning and value than ever before.

That's become our primary focus - building better relationships (primarily at work) because those co-worker arrangements are vitally important. We don't have to like everyone we work with, but we DO have to successfully work with them - right?!?!? And, of course, whatever we learn about ourselves at work carries over into other areas of our lives - right?? So we stand a good chance of improving those relationships as well.

We’re planning webinars to overview the profile, so check the website schedule - they begin in April. A major highlight of those webinars will be the Comparison Reports - this is a new feature to DiSC and allows two people - co-workers - to receive their profiles and compare them - not for better or worse, but to understand their differences and the ways they complement each other - focus on relationships.

Along the way, you’ll learn the great benefits embedded into the Workplace content that has never before been released in any other Inscape DiSC product.

In the meantime, click here and In the meantime, click here and take a look for yourself at the ED Workplace Profile and see what it can do for you and your organization.