i's are renowned for
their love of life and enduring desire to have fun – after all, you should be
able to have a good time doing just about anything, right?
Even if the work is tough, you're more like to cheer others on and inject some good times.
The catch is that i's
are as bottom-line results-oriented as strong D’s, but they’re just so much more
charming about it!
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The DiSC Model |
The more pronounced your i is in the profile the harder you work to influence others
to your point of view
Major characteristics of the strong i may include:
Good mixer
The strong i’s needs-driven behaviors are acceptance and social recognition
(remember those below-the water-line influences?)
As a strong
i your tendencies may include....
· You are people oriented
Need to be involved with
Good persuader - can
sell ideas
Positive sense of humor
More people than task
· You show emotion
High need for attention
· You are optimistic & harmonious
Motivate others toward
Look for the good in
people and things
Trust willingly, forgive
easily, you have difficulty reprimanding
Strive for harmony, can
negotiate conflict
· You are creative
Can be ingenious in
solving problems
Can look at issues with
a different, fresh eye
Are you an i
style in your tendenices?
Keep in mind:
1. That you may be
different at home than you are in a business setting.
2. Your predominant
behavior can change based on a situation; my i became much higher
as corporate trainer – I was in education and very interested in influencing
class participants. I have to mention that I'm rereading Gone With The Wind right now and was there ever a greater change in predominant styles than Scarlett O'Hara before and after the war?? She was an extremely strong i antebellum (acceptance and social recognition) and an very strong D (and C) post-war (bottom-line: make money!)
Would you agree that
these are famous i's from our past?
Lucy Ricardo (I Love Lucy)Jim Carey
Billy Crystal
Roz (Frazier)
Raymond (Everybody Loves Raymond)
Carol Burnett
Jay Leno
Oprah Winfrey
Comic characters of:
Steve MartinRobin Williams
Eddie Murphy
Question: What famous people can you
identify as strong “i”?
Do you have strong i’s in your life?
Do you have strong i’s in your life?
My Very Important
Note: Discovering your behavioral style is intended to help you understand
more about your impact on and relationships with others and how you can use
that information to improve or create strong and effective relationships – in
your personal or professional world.
Understanding the styles of DiSC® is NOT an opportunity to
stereotype and refer to someone as a “D” (or i, S or C). We all have some of
each style within our range of behaviors so it’s unfair and possibility
offensive to call someone by their primary style indicator. And remember that
DiSC® is focusing on a particular role in your life – circumstances and
situations may cause a change in that role and a change in behaviors. So can
styles change? YES! No stereotyping or labeling allowed.
The Universal Language ÔDISC, A Reference Manual, 1993, Target Training International, Ltd.
DiSC® Classic 2.0 Online Profile, Inscape Publishing,
Minneapolis, MNThe Universal Language ÔDISC, A Reference Manual, 1993, Target Training International, Ltd.
ProStar Coach, Performance Support Systems, Inc. Newport News, VA
My Real-World Experience –all over the place!
DiSC Research Reports
Image: store.ournameisfun.com
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