Saturday, July 7, 2012

Are We Wired to Live the Golden Rule? Let's ask Dr. Denny Coates - it's his title and article

The Ultimate Blog Challenge for July is underway and with the holidays almost over, I'm finally ready to get down to business.

My focus this month will be on human behavior styles; I'll be extracting information from my program:

Early in the program I reference the Golden Rule - something many of us grew up with - and we'll see how we can even go beyond it to build stronger relationships in our professional lives.

To get our minds working in this direction, enjoy this fascinating article by Dr. Dennis Coates about science and "feeling or doing good" and the Golden Rule.

Don't be put off by the "neurons" in the title - it's good reading and Denny knows his stuff.

Tomorrow we'll look at the Platinum Rule®, our natural behavioral tendencies and what effects they produce (perhaps as apposed to the effects we want to create).

Golden rule image:

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