Thursday, July 5, 2012

Amazing Striped Icebergs

July heat can make you want to cool down - how about this for cool? Icebergs in Antarctica.

This amazing set of photos comes from...I don't know where, but they are priceless. I loaded them to Pinterest right here - have a look and cool off.

When I begin my human behavior styles discussion next week, I'll be referring to icebergs again as they relate to human behavior, but for now it's just a pleasure to look at these and imagine what it must be to actually SEE them.
The notes from the photos say that icebergs in the Antarctic area sometimes have stripes, formed by layers of snow that react to different conditions. 
Blue stripes are often created when a crevice in the ice sheet 
fills up with meltwater and freezes so quickly that no bubbles form. 
When an iceberg falls into the sea, a layer of salty seawater can 
freeze to the underside. If this is rich in algae, it can form a 
green stripe. 
Brown, black and yellow lines are caused by sediment, picked up 
when the ice sheet grinds downhill towards the sea.

Truly amazing and something so few of us will see for real.

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