Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Have you experienced a 360 degree feedback assessment? Done properly, this is one of the most informative resources a manager or leader can experience.

Of course, done improperly, the whole thing can be a disaster – we’ve heard stories of 360 surveys being the basis for performance reviews, harsh meetings and retribution – on both sides of the survey!

What’s the process really for? 360 degree feedback is FOR YOUR GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT. That’s not like your mother saying, “Take this medicine; it’ll taste terrible, but it will be good for you!” This really should be good for you!

Properly set up, the 360 survey process channels information to the leader that he/she NEEDS to be aware of – feedback that can make a difference to success or continued problems with relationships and results.

The 363 for Leaders® combines the best of 360’s with the simplicity and power of DiSC – if you’ve used DiSC, you already know how applicable it is to work life and improving relationships. So combine it with a 360 feedback process and you’ve got…

Feedback PLUS three strategies for improving leadership effectiveness.

CommentSmart is a unique feature of 363 for Leaders® – raters can give focused, balanced, constructive feedback that the leader can actually use! This process avoids the pitfalls of open-ended comments that can be unfocused and unhelpful.

You’ll see clear visuals and a conversational narrative style for interpreting and explaining the data, making the report easier to understand.

And finally, an answer to “Now what?” Very often, the leader is left to wonder what to do next after reading the survey results, but 363 for Leaders® answers that question by giving leaders their next steps with three things they can focus on right now – strategies to improve their leadership effectiveness that can put into action immediately.

Learn more here, download the brochure and discover for yourself the simplicity and value of a 360 survey to your leadership success.


Unknown said...

360 degree feedback provides insight into the views of these various groups and forms the basis for a follow-up discussion, 360 degree feedback system.

Unknown said...

360 degree feedback is often used by the persons to receiving the feedback to plan and discuss the development rate.